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Chapter 25: Villain Subdues the Toxic Villainess At the Start

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Chapter 25:

This world was a fusion of several novels.

Some supernatural abilities were quite normal.

What Lu Yu said just now, it's not fake at all.

Because this bracelet has strict activation conditions.

Not only does it require blood to be dripped onto it, but it also must be pure adult women's blood.

Let's not talk about how likely blood drips onto the bracelet!

In this day and age, how many adult women were still pure?

So the boss of the jewelry store didn't discover the magical properties of this bracelet.

This bracelet was originally intended for Bai Qingzhi by Chen Bansheng.

Now it has been given to Qin Sisi by Lu Yu.

Although Qin Sisi was very surprised why Lu Yu suddenly knows so much!

But she loves Lu Yu to the bone.

If Lu Yu doesn't say it, she won't ask too much.

This night, Lu Yu and Qin Sisi embraced each other.

On the other side, Rongcheng, the Bai family.

For the Bai family, cooperating with the Lu family was a sure thing.

The Bai couple didn't expect their daughter to be so rebellious and associate with that boy surnamed Chen.

This made them quite angry.

At this moment, they were in their own room, researching countermeasures anxiously.

"It's been two days, there's still no movement from the Lu family. Lao Bai... do you think Lu Yu has found someone else?"

Hearing this, Bai Shan's face became serious. "I think it's very likely."

"That boy is handsome and rich. There must be many excellent girls around him. Remember the pretty girl who followed him around at our banquet a few days ago?"

"What should we do? Should we remind our daughter again?"

"Well, we can! Go and call her over!"


Soon, Bai Qingzhi came to the couple's room.

The couple started lecturing her.

Their intention was simple. Let Bai Qingzhi apologize to Lu Yu and coax him back with sweet words.

Who would have thought Bai Qingzhi wouldn't listen at all: "I don't want to. Brother Lu Yu was so good to me before, he must have done this on purpose to make me angry."

"It'll be fine in a few days. I don't want to apologize first, it's too embarrassing..."

In love, whoever bows first loses?

At least Bai Qingzhi thought so.

Little did she know that, in a relationship, bumps and conflicts were inevitable.

In such situations, there would always be one to apologize first.

To make it last, mutual understanding and tolerance were the keys.

Always having one person bow down, one day they get tired.

And when they get tired, it was time for break up.

Listening to her daughter's words, Zhou Shuzhen was furious!

"You, how should I even talk to you? What's so good about that boy surnamed Chen?"

"Don't you know, in fact, Brother Bansheng is amazing."

"What's so amazing about him? He's just a poor boy who knows how to tell fortunes."

Zhou Shuzhen said disdainfully, "At such a young age, he should be learning something useful. What's the future in fortune-telling?"

"What's wrong with fortune-telling? It's also a legitimate profession."

Bai Qingzhi argued, "And Brother Bansheng's fortune-telling is accurate. Many rich people ask him for help."

"He's just a stinky fortune-teller!"

"I... I won't talk to you anymore..."

Facing her parents' incomprehension, Bai Qingzhi didn't want to explain further.

Pouting, she left her parents' room.

Bai Shan and Zhou Shuzhen felt helpless, but at this point, they had no better options.

They could only look for opportunities while waiting for news from their daughter's side.

The next morning.

As the sun slowly rose, the sky gradually brightened.

Lu Yu achieved a remarkable accomplishment.

Yes, he had the first woman in the world.

When he opened his eyes.

Qin Sisi had already prepared breakfast.

Fried eggs, toast, milk!

She was a rich young lady. She wouldn't make too many dishes.

But making breakfast was completely fine for her.

Lu Yu got up!

He glanced at the bedsheet next to him, which had a hint of crimson, and a smile crept onto his lips.

"You're awake! I saw everything in your fridge, so I made some breakfast. Have some!"

Just as he reached the door, he saw that exquisite pretty face.

But this face, which should have been noble and aloof, was now occupied by a smile.

And her face was flushed.

Qin Sisi's current attire includes silk pajamas, slippers, and an apron.

It must be said, love was a poison.

Those in love were extremely sweet, but also irrational.

If Lu Yu hadn't transmigrated, this woman's face probably wouldn't have smiled until death.

But now, her fate was quietly changing along with Lu Yu's.


Stretching his arms, Lu Yu picked up a slice of toast and put it in his mouth.

"Is it good?"

"Not bad..."

Lu Yu nodded absentmindedly.

It wasn't because he was heartless, but because a new day had begun.

He needed a new plan.

The Feng Shui problem of the Lu family had been solved. Chen Bansheng's opportunity had been seized to some extent, and his current strength was barely enough.

The next step was to fight back.

Chen Bansheng, in fact, wasn't strong.

Apart from Feng Shui, his personal combat power wasn't much different from Lu Yu's now.

At most, his physique was slightly better than Lu Yu's.


He took a look at his system.

After yesterday's visit to Wenqing Palace, his destiny points increased by 1900 points.

After some thought, Lu Yu spent 1200 points to upgrade his combat skills to (Master-level).

Then, he allocated the remaining 700 points to his vitality.


Name: Lu Yu

Age: 23

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 136 kg

Vitality: 24 (Normal adult male average is 10).

Mental Strength: 15 (Normal adult male average is 10).

Destiny points: 0

Skills: Great Celestial Divination Technique (Master-level), Combat Skills (Master-level).


With 24 points of vitality, equivalent to 2.4 times that of a normal adult male.

Plus master-level combat skills.

Now in terms of combat power, he was already an expert.

Lu Yu estimated that his current strength was at least equal to a professional boxer.

"This should be enough to deal with Chen Bansheng, but I still need to work hard."

Lu Yu thought to himself.

Since this was a world of merged novels, there must be more than one protagonist.

If there were some protagonists like King of Soldiers or Kings of Assassins later on.

This level of combat power clearly wouldn't be enough.

"Brother Yu, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing!" Lu Yu snapped back, "You should eat quickly too. After eating, let's go to Renhe HQ together."

"Renhe HQ? The Renhe HQ where the Renhe Group is located?"


Lu Yu nodded.

In this world, the real estate industry was still developing.

And in Rongcheng, there were still two real estate companies stronger than the Lu family.

One was Taihe, and the other was Renhe.

The market value of these two companies exceeded 30 billion.

As they say, rivals in business were enemies.

When the Lu Mingyuan's Lida Group had trouble, these two companies naturally wouldn't miss the opportunity to swallow it up.

At this moment, they were eyeing the struggling Lida Group, waiting for it to struggle and give Lida Group a fatal blow.

So if Lu Yu wanted to deal with Chen Bansheng, these two troubles also had to be resolved.

Of course, the reason why Lu Yu chose Renhe instead of Taihe, besides being closer, there was another important reason.

That was the chairman of Renhe Group, who had a stubborn illness.

This kind of illness couldn't be treated in ordinary hospitals.

Yes! Only Chen Bansheng could cure it.

In the near future, Chen Bansheng would cure him.

Renhe Group would also become Chen Bansheng's ally.

But now, Lu Yu could cure it too...


Translator: Spectatorcake


  1. uhm... I think there is something wrong with the MC table
    136 kg for 175 cm is practically obese...

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