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Chapter 23: Villain Subdues the Toxic Villainess At the Start

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Chapter 23: The Consequences of Offending a Feng Shui Expert:

Lu Yu's words were clearly threatening.

But Chen Bansheng didn't care in the slightest.

Because not only did he have Feng Shui physiognomy to defend himself, but he also had decent skills.

Ordinary bodyguards were no match for him.

Moreover, behind him stood the Sun family and the Wu family, two wealthy families in Rongcheng.

What threat could a family member on the verge of decline, like the useless rich second-generation, pose to him, especially when the family was already struggling to survive?

On the contrary, Qin Sisi was somewhat intriguing!

Watching the two leave, Chen Bansheng pondered.

He had helped Bai Qingzhi before and seen Qin Sisi twice.

Qin Sisi's appearance and figure were not inferior to Bai Qingzhi's in the slightest.

In fact, because of her different dressing style, she had even more feminine charm than the naive Bai Qingzhi.

To say he had no thoughts about her was impossible.

But this woman's heart was completely on Lu Yu, making it impossible for him to move her.

So he could only give up.

Oh, was that the bracelet??

While Chen Bansheng pondered Qin Sisi's figure, he was suddenly attracted by the bracelet on Qin Sisi's left wrist.

For him, who was proficient in advanced Feng Shui!

Such things couldn't escape his eyes.

"It seems like I'm really a step too late, huh?" Chen Bansheng muttered to himself.

Based on his analysis of the aura last night, he calculated that he would have some opportunities here today.

Today, he deliberately followed this aura to search for treasures in Wenqing Palace.

But now, it seemed like the most crucial opportunity had been taken away??

Chen Bansheng's voice wasn't loud, but several girls could hear it.

Bai Qingzhi had already pulled herself together from her previous sadness at this point.

Hearing Chen Bansheng's words, she curiously asked, "Brother Bansheng, what do you mean you're a step too late?"

"Oh, it's like this! You should know a bit about my abilities."

"The bracelet on that woman's wrist felt like it should belong to me, but I didn't expect to be a step too late and let them buy it first."

"What? Is it true?"

"Could it be that mysterious..."

Because of Bai Qingzhi's relationship, her several girlfriends also knew about Chen Bansheng.

But knowing something was one thing, believing it was another.

At this moment, hearing Chen Bansheng say this, they all showed expressions of doubt.

"Some things are better believed they exist than not!" Seeing this scene, Chen Bansheng said mysteriously.

Although he was annoyed that the item was snatched from him, he loved the feeling of being admired.

As someone with genuine knowledge of Feng Shui, watching these ordinary people go from disbelief to belief, from belief to shock, from shock to admiration, would greatly satisfy his vanity.

This kind of satisfaction was something ordinary people couldn't understand.

And Bai Qingzhi?

Her admiration for Chen Bansheng had become somewhat blind.

Hearing that the bracelet on Qin Sisi's wrist was supposed to belong to Chen Bansheng, she secretly vowed in her heart: she must get this bracelet from Lu Yu and then give it to her beloved Bansheng.


At this moment, Bai Qingzhi still thought Lu Yu deliberately provoked her.

As long as she was willing, Lu Yu could change his mind at any moment.

Unfortunately, she couldn't imagine that Lu Yu today had already undergone a transformation.


"I'll take it!"

"I'll buy this."

"Sisi, do you like it? This one's for you!"

Lu Yu strolled around Wenqing Palace with Qin Sisi.

This time, he deliberately waited ahead for a while, then followed Chen Bansheng.

Every time Chen Bansheng wanted to buy something, Lu Yu always appeared in time.

And he would promptly pay for what Chen Bansheng wanted to buy.

Whether it was useful or not.

At first, Chen Bansheng acted like a superior person, not arguing with Lu Yu.

But after being snatched away four or five times in a row, he finally couldn't help it.

"Hey, are you doing this on purpose?"

"That's right, I'm doing it on purpose!" Lu Yu looked arrogant. "What about it? Don't like it?"

With 17 points in vitality and skilled combat skills, Lu Yu had the ability to confront Chen Bansheng head-on.

Although Lu Yu's combat skills might not yet match Chen Bansheng's, Chen Bansheng's abilities mainly lie in Feng Shui.

His personal combat power wasn't particularly exaggerated.

So, the two were now quite evenly matched, with only a slight difference in vitality.

In this situation, Lu Yu was not at all afraid.

"You... Hmph..."

Chen Bansheng clenched his fist, wanting to teach Lu Yu a lesson.

But in an instant, he relaxed his fist.

In his heart, Lu Yu and the two bodyguards behind him might not be his opponents.

But he was a Feng Shui master!

As a mysterious and profound Feng Shui master, how could he be provoked before the other party made a move? It didn't fit his image.

Moreover, he had to maintain his superior demeanor in front of the goddess.

"Lu Yu, can't you be less childish?"

Seeing Chen Bansheng lose face, Bai Qingzhi couldn't help but speak up.

In her eyes, Lu Yu did all this for her.

Because the previous few times, Lu Yu had deliberately caused trouble for Chen Bansheng because of her.


Lu Yu gave her a disdainful look, immediately understanding Bai Qingzhi's thoughts. "Do you think I'm doing this for you?"

"Isn't it?"

"Hehe, you can think whatever you want."

Lu Yu couldn't be bothered to explain to this self-righteous woman. He took the shopping bag handed over by the clerk and glanced meaningfully at Bai Qingzhi.

Then, he left the sight of everyone coolly.

Watching the direction the two left with the bodyguards, Bai Qingzhi bit her lip with a complicated expression.

The look of ridicule and mockery in Lu Yu's eyes made her very uncomfortable.

"Bansheng, let's go. Let's not wander around Wenqing Palace anymore. We won't lower ourselves to his level."

Bai Qingzhi made this difficult decision.


Hearing the girl's words, Chen Bansheng calculated with his fingers.

His opportunities had been snatched away almost entirely, so there was no point in staying here.

"Okay, with so many beauties accompanying me, it doesn't matter where we go!"

Chen Bansheng truly lived up to being the protagonist, casually easing the awkward atmosphere with a joke.

Bai Qingzhi also regained her smile, leading several girls and Chen Bansheng away from Wenqing Palace, chatting and laughing.

However, no one noticed the hint of gloom in Chen Bansheng's eyes as he joked with the girls.

"Lu Yu? The Lu family? Hmph! I'll make you know the consequences of offending a Feng Shui expert!"


Translator: Spectatorcake

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