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Chapter 20

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 20: What Challenge is a Million Strong Army to One Man?:

That sword?

There were many swords, but she was referring to that one!

The very one that had gravely injured her father!

The one wielded by that mysterious black-clad assassin!

Upon hearing Ye Lin's request, Ye Tianji only smiled faintly.

He didn’t refuse.

Instead, he suddenly struck the armrest of the dragon throne with his palm!


At once, the sword from a hidden compartment in the throne shot toward Ye Lin!

Ye Tianji had always kept this sword beneath the dragon throne!

It was a constant reminder to him that his life was always being watched by someone!

Ye Lin caught the sword as it flew toward her.

It was a rod!

A straight, iron rod about four feet long!

The rod was pitch black, with intricate and exquisite engravings along its surface.

This was the very sword used by the black-clad assassin three years ago!

Ye Lin's pale hands gripped the black iron rod. Then, with a slight pull to either side...


Accompanied by a faint sword hum, half of the blade was revealed.

A true weapon of unparalleled craftsmanship must have a commanding presence!

And this sword was undoubtedly a weapon of unmatched quality!

The moment the blade was drawn, it felt like a sharp sword aura filled the air around her!

The blade was blood red!

Like iron heated to a glowing red, it emitted a faint brilliance. A brilliance as red as fresh blood!

The sharp and straight blade, glowing with that blood-red light, exuded an intimidating aura!

In the entire world, this was the only sword forged from the legendary Bloodflame Divine Iron!

In the entire world, only this one weapon had been forged from Bloodflame Divine Iron!

There was nothing fancy about it; just the hilt, the blade, and the scabbard!

Three simple parts!


After a quick glance, Ye Lin sheathed the sword.

She then bowed and said, "Thank you, Father!"

With that, she turned and walked out of the grand hall.

At that moment, Ye Tianji's voice echoed once more from behind her: "Ling'er! Do not disappoint me!"

To this, Ye Lin responded with just one word: "Yes!"

What did he mean by not disappointing him?

Only Ye Lin and Ye Tianji knew.

Now, the grand hall was empty, save for Ye Tianji himself.

He let out a slow breath, his gaze fixed beyond the hall.

His eyes were weary and profound as he muttered to himself, "The empire! The martial world! The martial world... the empire..."


The martial world.

Looking across the martial world, Ling Ye was unrivaled.

The empire.

Looking across the empire, Ling Ye was also unrivaled.

But... he was just one man!

Could one man challenge an entire nation?

Could one man challenge the entire martial world?

Of course not!

A single person's power was always limited!

As a man, a normal man.

Everyone has dreamed of ruling the world, standing above all others!

Every man harbor such ambitions.

When Ling Ye was young, he naturally had such ambitions.

But an empire, with a legacy spanning a thousand years...

How many generations of ancestors had painstakingly built it up?

Could he really replace an empire with just his own strength?

Of course, it was possible!

But the possibility was slim!

But still, he had indeed grasped that slim chance!

He could have succeeded!

But alas, the heavens envy the gifted!

If he had been given more time, he could have taken down the entire Mysterious Jade Empire!

He could have taken over the entire world!

But what if... he only had one day?

Could it be done?

Absolutely not!

Ling Ye now had only one day left!

The final day!

Dragging his body, already close to its limits, to replace an empire...

No one could possibly do that!

Moreover, to overthrow an empire, to conquer an empire!

It wasn't just about the throne.

It was about the entire court, the civil and military officials!

It was about the empire's million-strong army!

Only after conquering all of that could one truly conquer an empire.

And then... conquer the entire world!

Unfortunately, for Ling Ye now... all of this was nothing more than the ambitions of his younger days.

To make the whole world submit to him now... was absolutely impossible.

This was perhaps his only... regret!

The imperial capital, Tianwu City.

At the city gates!

On top of the city wall.

Ling Ye's figure was already standing there, though no one knew when he had arrived.

No one noticed how he got up there; the gate guards were completely unaware.

He had wandered through the bustling streets and alleys of the imperial capital!

And finally, he arrived at the city wall!

He stood there alone, holding a half-empty jug of wine.

His eyes gazed over the flourishing Tianwu City.

This was the most prosperous, the most vibrant place in the entire empire.

The grand palaces and countless households.

It was also the place of his birth, filled with memories of his childhood!

Ling Ye's gaze finally fell on the towering palace at the center of Tianwu City.

Magnificent and imposing!

At this moment, it was as if the lofty ambitions of his youth suddenly surged in his heart once again!

If he could live...

Even with a million-strong army and an empire that had lasted for a hundred generations...

What challenge would it be to take it all alone?

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