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Chapter 06: The Ultimate Villain Became The Greatest Dark Hand Of All Time:


 Splendour Translations

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Chapter 6: Zhuang Zhou's Dream of the Butterfly—Who is Zhuang Zhou, and Who is the Butterfly? One Hand to Subdue the Heavens:

Clouds rose and dissipated as the Divine Court appeared.

Su Mu, dressed in pure white, stood outside an ancient, intricate portal, adorned with complex patterns interwoven with principles and laws.

Behind him, nine spiritual bridges extend, each representing a higher level of heaven, reaching the other side of the Divine Court.

Beneath his feet, a vast ocean churns, and the Heavenly Gate stands tall among the clouds. Opening it would allow him to step into a new realm, marking a significant advancement in his cultivation.

This was his inner domain, a crucial stage in his cultivation journey.

A resounding 'boom' echoed as a majestic, ethereal aura emerged from the Heavenly Gate. It felt like the true Immortal Realm lay within, and entering it would separate him from the mundane world, elevating him to another level of existence

After a satisfying meal, Su Mu's life force was as vibrant as a divine furnace, reaching the peak of the Divine Court Realm.

With a simple gesture, he raised his hand and pushed open the Heavenly Gate, a task that wasn't as challenging as one might imagine.

With ample preparation, everything flew naturally. Just one more step, and he would enter the Heavenly Gate.

Su Mu turned to look back. The vast ocean roared, and clouds swirled like mist. The time seemed to rewind, showing not only his past as the 'The candidate for Holy Son of the Absolute Beginning Holy Sect,' but also glimpses of his life before his transmigration—towering iron forests and bustling city streets.

"Zhuang Zhou dreamed he was a butterfly. But who is Zhuang Zhou, and who is the butterfly?" Su Mu murmured softly.

The radiance faded, and he calmly turned his gaze forward, taking a step into the Heavenly Gate.

In the next moment, the world expanded before him. He found himself in a new realm, with a series of majestic halls stretching out before him.

At the deepest point of these halls stand nine towering Divine Palaces, covered in clouds and mist, corresponding to the nine levels of the Divine Court he had previously achieved.

"Nine Divine Palaces, each with its own Heavenly Gate. Only when all the gates are opened can one advance to the next realm..." Su Mu opens his eyes, and blazing divine light flows before settling into tranquility.

His body was enveloped in a misty glow, his pores relaxed, and every inch of his flesh was nourished by the mystical aura emanating from the Divine Court, as if he had been reborn.

In a sense, this truly marks a new level of life, vastly different from before.

"Congratulations on entering the Heavenly Gate Realm, Young Master!" The crowd congratulated him in unison.

"With His Highness having taken the lead in entering the Heavenly Gate Realm, the position of Holy Son will be beyond dispute." One elder remarked with a smile, clearly pleased.

They were all part of Su Mu's faction. If nothing unexpected happened, Su Mu would almost certainly inherit the position of Holy Master in the future, and they would rise to prominence alongside him.

Su Mu, in good spirits, raised his wine cup with a smile. "Everyone, let's drink together."

"To Young Master!" the crowd toasts in unison.


A short while later, the Lord of Yanmen City and the heads of the three prominent families watched as the white jade chariot disappeared into the sky, finally breathing a sigh of relief.

"Brother Gu, you're truly fortunate!"

"Indeed, you've raised a good daughter. Being able to serve as a servant to Young Master Su Mu will surely secure her a place in the Absolute Beginning Holy Sect in the future. How enviable."

"We hope to receive your guidance in the future!"

The Lord of Yanmen City and the other two patriarchs speak, their voices tinged with undisguised envy.

It was easy to predict that from now on, the Gu family would soar to great heights. Even without announcing their achievements, those in the know would learn the truth and find ways to approach and curry favor with them.

"Oh, it's nothing, really. It's all thanks to Young Master Su Mu's favor. My daughter is simply lucky." the Gu family patriarch replied humbly, repeatedly waving his hands. Yet, the beaming smile on his face, along with the way his cheeks puff out with joy, reveal his true feelings.

As for the captured Gu Chen? Who was he? Did the Gu family ever have such a person?

Far away, in a place thousands of miles away, there was a sect called the 'Mysterious Sword Sect,' which had already received word of the events that just happened in Yanmen City and immediately called for an emergency meeting. This sect was the one the Gu family had offended, and not long ago, they had forcefully taken a large amount of goods from the Gu family.

Soon, they devised a plan. The sect master of Mysterious Sword Sect personally led a group of elders, bringing along compensation gifts worth ten times the value of the seized goods, and hurried to Yanmen City to apologize to the Gu family in person.


The Absolute Beginning Holy Sect, located within the Northern Spirit Realm, was one of the six great holy lands with a long-standing tradition, said to have its origins in ancient times.

A series of green mountains rise tall, shrouded in mist. Looking out, each peak has thousand-foot waterfalls flowing down, creating clouds of mist as the clear spring waters gurgle and fish and dragons leap, while celestial cranes dance gracefully in the air.

The majestic buildings on the mountain peaks looked ethereal, making the entire area a paradise.

"This is the legendary Absolute Beginning Holy Sect?" Gu Xiaosang, graceful and elegant, stood outside the white jade chariot, gazing at the holy land that resembled a celestial realm. Her beautiful eyes turned misty, as if she was in a dream.

To her, the holy land was once just a legend—something she had only heard about but never seen with her own eyes.

In the sky above, brilliant lights occasionally streak by. These were the disciples of the holy land, some walking on swords, others riding exotic beasts, each one exuding an extraordinary aura, not of this world.

"Young Master Su Mu has returned!" Many stopped in the distant sky to watch the white jade chariot, bowing in respect but not daring to approach. Everyone knew that His Highness Su Mu had a cold temperament and disliked noise.

"Hahaha, I went out to train for half a year. Su Mu, you still love to make a grand entrance! Six dragon beasts pulling your chariot—such treatment is reserved for a true Holy Son. Do you deserve it?!" A loud laugh suddenly reverberated across the sky.

Accompanied by a booming divine sound, a blazing bolt of lightning falls from the ninth heaven, like divine retribution.


The white jade chariot exploded, sending shards of jade flying in all directions. A figure wrapped in endless lightning descended arrogantly, like a god of thunder, extending a massive foot to stomp down on Su Mu!

The six dragon beasts cry out in fear, trembling and on the verge of collapse.

"It's... Young Master Yan Yunkong!" Someone recognizes the intruder, murmuring, "Six months ago, Young Master Yan Yunkong set out on a journey and has just returned... Judging by his power, it seems his cultivation has greatly improved?"

The Absolute Beginning Holy Sect has three Holy Son candidates. Since the establishment of this status, there've been frequent duels and competitions between them. As long as things didn't go too far, the holy land didn't interfere—in fact, they encouraged it.

In the sky, Su Mu sat unmoving, slowly raising his white jade-like hand.

Behind him, a vast ocean appeared, its waters blazing with golden light, raising countless waves. As his hand gently extended, the golden waves transformed into a mighty dragon, surging upward.

A terrifying killing intent filled the air, and the dragon's roar shook the heavens!

The dragon rose from the sea, soaring into the sky!

Su Mu remained calm, each strand of his hair glowing with golden light, like a divine god had descended upon the world.

The sky was filled with divine lightning, but the mighty dragon crushed it effortlessly.

Yan Yunkong, who had attempted to stomp on Su Mu, let out a muffled groan as the dragon seized him in its mouth and violently slammed him into the mountains hundreds of miles away, leaving him silent.

The entire Absolute Beginning Holy Sect fell into stunned silence, shaken by this terrifying display of power.

Gu Xiaosang's delicate mouth hangs open slightly, her lively eyes wide with shock.

It was the first time she had seen Su Mu truly unleash his power. Compared to this strike, his earlier suppression of Gu Chen seemed merciful!

"Let's go." Su Mu said calmly, withdrawing his hand.

The six dragon beasts shakily rose to their feet, and pulled the reformed white jade chariot as they slowly headed toward the main peak.

-To be continued!  

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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