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Chapter 68: The Ten Heroines are Insane!


 Splendour Translations
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Chapter 68 :

A gentle breeze brushed past, lifting Gu Ling's emerald hair.

She looked at the handsome man in front of her and her expression became confused.

"Have I... gone back in time? Or am I still in a dream?"

But if this were a dream, the sensation and warmth seemed too real...

Gu Ling's gaze turned complicated.

Also, looking into Xu Ze's eyes before her, she felt her heart shaking with tenderness.

"Ling'er... What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell? Is everything okay? Don't hold it inside, I'll be worried."

Xu Ze's scumbag nature penetrated deep into his bones. Throughout his previous nine lifetimes, Xu Ze had no idea how many times he had used this tenderness to deceive girls. Even the most honest person would become skilled in this game after nine lifetimes.

Gu Ling's body trembled slightly, and her dazed eyes seemed to shine somewhat at this moment.

In the deepest parts of her heart, Gu Ling wasn't influenced by the Evil God's Forbidden Technique The darkness within her was noticeably less than when she was outside.

Xu Ze slowly released Gu Ling's wrist and reached out his hand to caress her cheek gently.

"Ling'er, are you tired? It must have been hard for you to accompany me for so long."

Feeling the warmth on her cheek, Gu Ling's heart was incredibly conflicted. She realized that she was still longing for this tenderness.

In this seemingly illusory world, the past that she could never return to was gradually calming her restless heart.

"If this is a dream... then let me enjoy the past tenderness again."

Gu Ling's gaze softened gradually. She gently removed Xu Ze's hand, revealing a faint smile.

"I'm... I'm fine... I'm not tired."

"Is that so? Then, do you remember what I just said?"

Xu Ze blinked and a slightly mischievous smile appeared on his face.

"What did you say?"

"It's... give me a kiss, and I'll teach you a move from the Holy Fire Palm technique."

Xu Ze leaned in, pointing to his cheek.

He knew what Gu Ling longed for in her heart.

Just like in the nine lifetimes before, when Xu Ze conquered Gu Ling, it was exactly the same.

Gu Ling longed to be loved and also longed to have someone worthy of her love.

And Xu Ze was the unexpected guest who barged into her life.

Xu Ze knew the only way to conquer her was to love her.

Gu Ling blushed slightly, and her eyebrows unconsciously twitched.

This conversation was identical to what she remembered, making Gu Ling somewhat at a loss.

"Aren't you going to learn?" Xu Ze smiled.

Gu Ling wanted to refuse. She had been hurt by Xu Ze more than once, and she knew what would happen if she agreed and the consequences of entrusting her heart to him again.

But deep down, there was unrest.

"Alright, maybe I'm just too impatient."

Before Gu Ling could respond, Xu Ze suddenly changed the subject, shaking his head somewhat regretfully.

Seeing Xu Ze retract his face, Gu Ling suddenly felt regret rushing over her.

"I... I..." She wanted to say, 'I want to learn,' but the conflict in her heart kept interrupting her words.

Xu Ze saw it all but didn't show much reaction.

As they say, rushing things would be futile.

Gu Ling's inner turmoil was the result of nine lifetimes stacked together.

Xu Ze was Gu Ling's antidote but also her demon.

Continuously trying to conquer her in the old ways would only drive Gu Ling insane.

Playing hard to get might just be a good new approach.

"Unfortunately, I didn't get to taste Ling'er's affection, which is truly one of life's greatest regrets."

Xu Ze sighed deeply and a hint of loneliness flashed in his eyes. "Ling'er is the only one in the Abyss who treats me well, and she's so gentle and beautiful, truly a rare woman in the world."

"I'm just a stray dog, how could I be worthy of Ling'er...?"

The unintentional display of loneliness was entirely witnessed by Gu Ling.


Gu Ling's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that the softest part of her heart had been touched.

It was her first time seeing Xu Ze show such an expression.

In her memories, Xu Ze always seemed so calm, so gentle. But now, she realized that he also had these considerations in his heart...

"No! No way!"

"In my heart, Xu Ze, you'll always be the best..."


Gu Ling blurted out subconsciously, grabbing Xu Ze's hand.

Women always felt heartache when they saw the unintentional weakness of their loved ones. Especially Gu Ling, who had lacked love from others since childhood. Her heart could be said to be extremely sensitive.

Well, all of this was within Xu Ze's calculations.

Perhaps using tricks to win a girl's heart was somewhat despicable. But wasn't love just about who was smarter?

Seeing the clearly moved Gu Ling, Xu Ze knew he was close.

"Ling'er..." Holding Gu Ling's hand back, Xu Ze gently pulled her into his embrace and caressed her head.

Gu Ling struggled instinctively in Xu Ze's arms, but soon, she softened and stopped resisting.

"Thank you, Ling'er..."

"As long as you're here, no matter how difficult or painful the future road may be, I'll try my best to go on..."

"Remember, no matter when or where, in whichever world..."

"My love for you is eternal."

Xu Ze murmured in Gu Ling's ear.

With a wave of his right hand, countless pure white flowers drifted above the grass. The sky was filled with a flower rain, reflecting in Gu Ling's eyes.

At this moment, it seemed like the world had quieted down.

Looking at the sky filled with pure white flower rain, a crystal tear slid down Gu Ling's cheek.

Gu Ling buried her head deeply into Xu Ze's chest and sobbed softly.


Feeling the moisture of his clothes on his chest, Xu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Ze was a little surprised this only reduced corruption by ten points. Gu Ling's blackened heart hadn't completely healed.

As Xu Ze pondered silently to himself, Gu Ling grabbed his sleeve tightly and slowly raised her head.

On her delicate and tear-stained face was an expression of unbearable pain.

"Why... why do you always torture me like this..."

"I love you... I love you so much..."


In an instant, the surrounding scenery suddenly turned violent. The sky filled with pure white flower rain gradually turned black.

"Unfortunately... these are all just illusions..."

With tears in her eyes, Gu Ling gently caressed Xu Ze's cheek.

"If only this wasn't a dream... If only all of this were real..."

"Oh no!"

"She's starting to break her own inner world!"

Xu Ze's expression turned pale. Just as he was about to grab Gu Ling, he saw her give a heartbreaking smile. Her body gradually flickered and disappeared before his eyes.

"Damn it, is it time already..."

Gritting his teeth, Xu Ze looked at his collapsing inner world, his gaze heavy.

-To be continued!

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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