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Chapter 27: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 27: Then Let Us Serve Him Together:

"Let's go!" Ling Ye said, ready to leave. He glanced at Su Xinyue.

The duo walked out of the hall together, and gradually rose into the air.

"Your Majesty, I respectfully see you off!" Su Wanxi bowed slightly.

"Farewell, Your Majesty!" Lei Ying also knelt to bid farewell.

Ling Ye gave Su Wanxi one last look, and they exchanged smiles before he and Su Xinyue flew into the sky.

As Ling Ye and Su Xinyue departed, Lei Ying let out a long breath. He turned to Su Wanxi and said, "Master Su, if you had mentioned this earlier, there wouldn't have been any trouble! The Emperor wouldn't have had to come personally!"

"Everything I said before at the City Lord's Mansion was just a joke. Please don't take it to heart, Master Su," he continued. "From now on, the Su family doesn't need to pay any income to the City Lord's Mansion. We'll cover it ourselves. On the contrary, if you need anything, just let us know, and we'll help without hesitation."

"As for the Zou family, you can rest assured that they won't threaten the Su family anymore!"

Before, Lei Ying had suggested an annual share similar to the Zou family's. But now, he wouldn't dare enforce that.

Su Wanxi didn't say much.

The Su family had indeed been at a dead end this time, but Ling Ye's sudden arrival had completely resolved her long-standing problem. She decided that once the Su family was settled, she would go to Ling Ye and serve him day and night. If her daughter ended up like her, then they would serve him together...


Ling Ye and Su Xinyue spent two or three days traveling.

From now on, Su Xinyue won't have to worry about her family matters every day. Su Wanxi could also rest assured about her daughter.

Ling Ye would do his utmost to ensure that within five years, Su Xinyue would rank among the top ten strongest in the empire!

This most gifted disciple of the Purple Moon Immortal Sect's inner sect was destined to surpass everyone else in the sect in the future.


In a few days, the new inner disciples of the Purple Moon Immortal Sect had familiarized themselves with the inner sect. In their free time, they liked to explore.

Of course, Gu Shengyan was the most restless one.

Today, she wandered around by herself and ended up at Purple Moon Peak.

At the top of the peak stood an ancient tree, nearly a hundred meters tall, with gnarled roots and branches, radiating spiritual Qi.

On this massive tree grew some golden fruits, glowing faintly with a golden light, looking ripe and delicious.

Unable to resist, Gu Shengyan climbed the tree and secretly picked a fruit, eating it.

The taste was excellent, and more importantly, eating the fruit made her feel energized and full of strength.

So, Gu Shengyan not only ate one herself but also took out a bag and picked a whole bunch.

"Such good stuff, I have to pick more!" She thought, shamelessly harvesting the fruits.

What she didn't know was that these Golden Spirit Fruits were personally cultivated by Sect Master Ji Ziruo. They blossomed once every three years, bore fruit in three years, and took another three years to mature.

Ji Ziruo only used these superior spiritual fruits as rewards for the most outstanding inner sect disciples.

And now, Gu Shengyan was picking a large number as if they were her own, completely unaware that she was stealing and causing trouble.

Just then, as Gu Shengyan was openly stealing the fruits, Ling Ye and Su Xinyue returned. They arrived just below the Golden Spirit Fruit tree.

"Is it her?"

Gu Shengyan, perched on the treetop, frowned upon seeing Ling Ye.

She still held a grudge from when Ling Ye had rejected her and chosen Su Xinyue.

Seeing Ling Ye and Su Xinyue together now, she felt even more upset.

The man she had her eye on was taken by someone else, and she couldn't stand it. An idea suddenly struck her.

"Hmph! The man I want is always mine! Let's see how I get him back!" she thought, a sly smile forming on her lips. Then she pretended to slip.

From dozens of meters high in the tree, she fell, crying out, "Help! Help me!"

No man could refuse to play the hero and save the damsel in distress, right?

In such a situation, Ling Ye would surely step up and catch her, right?

Gu Shengyan imagined falling into Ling Ye's arms, their eyes meeting, sparking a romantic connection.

What man would stand by and watch a girl in danger without helping?

Certainly none!

Gu Shengyan envisioned her first encounter with Ling Ye, capturing his heart and making him fall madly in love with her.

Unfortunately, she was wrong!

Some men do like to stand by and watch, and Ling Ye was one of them.

From the beginning, Ling Ye knew Gu Shengyan was there and that she was deliberately falling. He looked up slightly, watching her fall.

Sensing Ling Ye's gaze, Gu Shengyan thought she had succeeded. "Since you see me, why don't you catch me?" she thought, continuing to call for help.

"Help! Help me!"


Her cries were abruptly cut off as she fell straight to the ground, face first, right in front of Ling Ye.

Her bag of Golden Spirit Fruits scattered all over the ground. The air grew silent.

With her face down on the ground, Gu Shengyan was stunned.

'What the heck?'

'He didn't catch me?'

'He saw me falling and didn't help? What's wrong with this person?'

-To be continued!

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