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Chapter 20: Time Stopped for a Thousand Years! The Female Leads Have Darkened!


 Splendour Translations

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  • (T/N: Qingxuan Immortal Land -> Azure Profound Holy Land)

Chapter 20: Storming the City Lord's Mansion! Has This Brat Gone Mad:

(In Qingyun City)

Ye Wuhen was still walking alone.

Behind him, the crowd of onlookers was growing larger. People were extremely curious about what this prodigy intended to do. When Ye Wuhen finally stopped, everyone was stunned.

The City Lord's Mansion!

What was this prodigy doing at the City Lord's Mansion???

Could he possibly be thinking of storming the City Lord's Mansion...

The bold idea flashed through people's minds but was quickly dismissed. That would be too crazy!!!


"Qingxue? What on earth is that brat up to?"

Old patriarch Ye Hongfeng's expression changed slightly when he saw Ye Wuhen stop at the City Lord's Mansion gates. He asked the Qingxuan Holy Maiden, Han Qingxue, who was beside him.

"Settling some scores, and maybe taking advantage of the situation!"

"Just watch, old patriarch . There’s a grand show about to unfold. It’s going to be spectacular!"

Han Qingxue replied with barely contained amusement, as if she could already see the drama unfolding.

The old patriarch was extremely puzzled. How could this Holy Maiden of Qingxuan seem to predict the future??? She had accurately anticipated Ye Wuhen's every move.


At the gates of the City Lord's Mansion, Ye Wuhen paused briefly before continuing forward.

"This is the City Lord's Mansion of Qingyun City. Unauthorized personnel are not allowed."

Two guards at the gate, wielding swords, stepped forward to block him. They recognized Ye Wuhen and Han Qingxue but were bound by duty to act.

The crowd of onlookers was ready for a show!

This was the City Lord's Mansion. after all! The strongest force in Qingyun City. It boasted three Qi Sea Realm experts and countless cultivators at the Meridian Refinement Realm. Not to mention, even these two ordinary gate guards were middle stage of the Meridian Refinement Realm cultivators.

If Ye Wuhen relied on Han Qingxue, there wouldn't be much to say. A single move from her could obliterate the entire City Lord's Mansion.

However, everyone noticed that the relationship between Ye Wuhen and Han Qingxue was peculiar. Han Qingxue was exceptionally submissive, while Ye Wuhen seemed to keep his distance. Would he ask her for help?

Moreover, Han Qingxue showed no intention of intervening! If she didn’t act... where did Ye Wuhen get the courage to storm the City Lord's Mansion?

"Smack... smack..."

Just as everyone wondered how Ye Wuhen would respond, two familiar sounds echoed. The two guards blocking the way were sent flying, crashing into the walls on either side, unconscious. The swords they were ready to draw never even left their sheaths!

"No way! He kicked them both away with a single kick... and they were the middle stage of the Meridian Refinement Realm cultivators!"

"This prodigy must have gotten stronger... My god, what is he up to today?"

"Forget 'must have,' he definitely got stronger!!! Can you kick away two middle stages of the Meridian Refinement Realm with one kick?"

"The scariest part is, the spiritual Qi radiating from him still seems to be at the Qi Gathering Realm! Qi Gathering Realm... and he kicked away two middle stages of the Meridian Refinement Realm cultivators???"

Those who were preparing to watch a show had indeed gotten one. But the outcome was beyond their imagination, plunging them into a state of shock.

However, this was only the beginning.

Hearing the commotion at the gate, a squad of over ten guards rushed out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

They barely had time to react before they were all sent flying, crashing into the same spot as the previous guards.

Having dealt with them, Ye Wuhen walked into the City Lord's Mansion as if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, the crowd behind...

Wore expressions of terror and disbelief!

Every guard was at least a the Meridian Refinement Realm cultivator, ranging from early to middle stage. This squad of over ten guards was powerful enough to dominate Qingyun City.

But in front of Ye Wuhen, they seemed like weaklings, each kicked away without any resistance.

The Qi Gathering Realm...

When did it become so powerful!!!

No, this wasn't just powerful. This was terrifying...

"How did that brat manage this! I'm... I'm an old man, and even I'm scared!"

Old patriarch Ye Hongfeng was equally stunned, his face frozen in disbelief. Ye Wuhen's earlier actions had already filled him with questions. Now, even more questions flooded his mind!

"This is just the beginning, old patriarch . Please remain calm and composed!"

Han Qingxue softly advised.

Ye Hongfeng forced a bitter smile.

She was saying it was just the beginning, and wanted him stay calm...

But such a situation, he couldn't even imagine in my sixty years of life. How could he stay composed!!!

However, the old patriarch quickly regained his composure and, together with Han Qingxue, followed Ye Wuhen into the City Lord's Mansion.

The onlookers, realizing the spectacle wasn't over, surged forward, squeezing through or climbing over walls and roofs to get inside.

They knew...

This event would be even more exciting than the scene at the Ye family residence earlier!

-To be continued!

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