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Chapter 7: On the First Day of My Broken Engagement I Was Rewarded with the Supreme Bone!

 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 7: The Greatest Opportunity Appears:

Leaving the Azure Cloud Sect, Lin Ang headed down the mountain and traveled west.

He arrived at the nearest city to the outer sect, Great Wilderness City.

The city stretched over a thousand miles, and bustle with activity due to its proximity to the sect. Various elixir shops, herbal stores, and auction houses flourished here, making huge profits.

However, to establish oneself in the Great Wilderness City, one needed substantial backing. The largest herbal and weapon stores were supported by elders from the Azure Cloud Sect's outer sect. It was said that each outer sect elder received tens of thousands of spirit stones monthly from these shops.

In the early morning, Lin Ang walked along an ancient road on one side of the city. Countless people, mostly outer sect disciples of the Azure Cloud Sect, roamed between stalls and shops, hoping to find some bargains. Some were members of hunting teams, purchasing essential supplies before their expeditions.

Yet, most of the passersby Lin Ang observed had no special fortune.

Even those with some luck had only ordinary fortunes, such as first-grade elixirs or spiritual herbs, which held no value for Lin Ang at this stage.

"Have you heard? There's been a disturbance near Mount Longhu. There must be some opportunity there."

"Wow... an opportunity causing a disturbance must be at least a fourth-grade spiritual herb. If we're lucky... we might even find an inheritance left by an ancient sage!"

Not far from Lin Ang, a group of the Azure Cloud Sect hunters discussed excitedly.

"I heard people from the Jade Moon Sect also got wind of this and sent many to Mount Longhu."

"But they've been searching for a week without any success..."

"The Jade Moon Sect, huh... that's troublesome."

At the mention of the Jade Moon Sect, the group’s expressions soured.

The Jade Moon Sect was located not far from the Azure Cloud Sect, was a rival sect, always eyeing the Azure Cloud Sect warily.

"Haha, maybe we'll get lucky."

"If we find this opportunity, we might even get into the inner sect!"

Some members of the hunting team started daydreaming, grinning widely.

Lin Ang glanced at the group. Each had a black halo over their heads, indicating bad luck. Clearly, this hunting trip would yield no rewards and likely lead to their deaths on Mount Longhu.


Walking further, Lin Ang reached the entrance of an elixir shop. It was crowded with people. Various elixirs were displayed in shelves, along with some old, dusty bottles. These elixirs were mostly collected from secret realms, ancient tombs, or bought from elixir peddlers. Due to their age, most of these elixirs had lost their potency.

"These waste elixirs are priced at one low-grade spirit stone per bottle. If you're lucky, you might find a second or even third-grade elixir!"

"If you're unlucky and the bottle is empty, you can't blame anyone else!"

The shop owner called out, attracting many self-proclaimed lucky individuals who flocked to buy the waste elixirs.

‘These waste elixirs likely have little significance. If they came from ancient secret realms or strongmen's tombs, their prices would be a hundred or even a thousand times higher,’ Lin Ang thought to himself.

At that moment, a disciple in Azure Cloud Sect attire appeared in Lin Ang's view, with a yellow halo above his head.


Name: Chen Tao

Yellow Fortune: Small Gains from Big Bets: Purchased a black bottle for one low-grade spirit stone, and upon returning to the sect, found a second-grade high-level elixir inside, allowing him to break through to the 5th stage of the Qi Refining Stage.

Yellow Fortune: Family Pride: Using his 5th-stage Qi Refining Stage cultivation, he successfully entered the inner sect a month later, becoming the pride of his family.


‘A second-grade low-level elixir, huh? Not useful to me... I'll pass.’

Lin Ang shook his head, feeling uninterested and ready to leave.


"Boss, I want that elixir!"

Next to Lin Ang, another Azure Cloud Sect disciple rushed into the crowd, buying the black elixir bottle first.

At the same time, Chen Tao's yellow fortune disappeared, turning into no fortune at all!


Name: Chen Tao

Ordinary Life: A month later, unable to reach the 5th stage Qi Refining Realm, he was expelled from the Azure Cloud Sect's outer sect and lived an ordinary life.


Chen Tao, unaware of his lost opportunity, chose another ordinary elixir and left, hopeful it would bring him good fortune.

‘Fortune snatching?’

Witnessing this, Lin Ang raised an eyebrow. Clearly, Chen Tao's destiny had changed, and his fortune was taken by the newly arrived young man.

Lin Ang's gaze followed the young man.

At that moment...

Lin Ang was stunned!

The young man radiated golden energy, with a phantom golden crown above his head, shining brilliantly!


Name: Lu Ming

Luck Value: 1000

Golden Fortune: Destiny's Protagonist Template: The protagonist of a rags-to-riches story. Severely injured and expelled from the inner sect years ago, he awakened a beautiful master within his necklace, climbing to the top of the cultivation world step by step. His fortune refreshes until it reaches zero.

Blue Fortune: Ancestor's Inheritance: Guided by his beautiful master, he will encounter an ancestor's inheritance opportunity in the Blackwood Forest of Mount Longhu in two days, and make a breakthrough to the 1st stage of the Spirit Condensing Realm.

Blue Fortune: Heroine's Favor: In two days, he will face a crisis on Mount Longhu, showing his strength and earning the favor of a passing heroine.

Blue Fortune: Don't Bully the Young:
After years of patience, he will dominate the sect's assessment a month later, surpassing all who looked down on him and becoming the inner sect elder's chosen disciple.


Seeing all this, Lin Ang understood.

So, this young man was the Azure Cloud Sect's destined protagonist! No wonder he could seize others' fortunes. It must be due to his beautiful master's guidance, right?

A faint smile appeared on Lin Ang's face as he memorized Lu Ming's fortune details.

Destined protagonist? And an upcoming heroine?

It seemed the greatest opportunity had appeared.

-To be continued!


T/N: Thanks for reading!

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