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Chapter 11: Get Lost Female Protagonist! I Choose the Villainess!


 Splendour Translations.


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Chapter 11: We Are Naturally a Perfect Match:

Ling Kong and Jiang Ruoxi walked through the area, with one at the 9th stage Spirit Refinement Realm and the other at the peak 8th stage. 

Together, they were unstoppable! 

No matter what kind of magical beast appeared before them, it was usually defeated with a single strike. 

When they encountered particularly strong beasts at the 8th or 9th stage, they could easily kill them by working together.

Although they were simply hunting magical beasts, a natural tacit understanding existed between them. 

Perhaps it was because they both practiced the same technique?

With a swift movement, their twin swords slashed through the treetops. Two streams of black sword Qi sliced through the air, and a 9th stage Spirit Refinement Realm Black Armor Bear fell to the ground with a thud, dead.

"We're getting better at this." Jiang Ruoxi said, sheathing her sword and looking at Ling Kong with her beautiful eyes. Their relationship had only grown stronger. 

Together, they could now take down 9th-stage Spirit Refinement Realm beasts.

The advantage of magical beasts lay in their physical strength, but their weakness was their lack of intelligence. 

The duo exploited this weakness to their advantage, making their teamwork seamless.

Ling Kong smiled faintly. "We are naturally a perfect match, so our connection is destined."

He then stepped forward, and cut open the Black Armor Bear's head. He then extracted a magical beast crystal, which he handed to Jiang Ruoxi. She stored it away, as she was in charge of keeping their spoils.

Even though their relationship might not last long, Jiang Ruoxi felt happy to fight alongside Ling Kong, savoring these fleeting moments of joy.

"I'm glad I haven't become a burden to you," Jiang Ruoxi said with a smile. Though her strength at the 8th stage wasn't on par with Ling Kong's, she could still keep up with him, making her a valuable partner rather than a liability.


Suddenly, sounds of battle echoed from the forest ahead. 

Ling Kong and Jiang Ruoxi exchanged glances and hurried toward the noise. 

They found a group of people in a clearing, battling two large Flame Pattern Tigers. It was Xia Yuran and her companions.

Ling Kong and Jiang Ruoxi stopped to observe. Ling Kong noticed Xia Yuran still didn't have the young Phantom Ice Wolf, meaning she hadn't gained any opportunities yet. He still had a chance to seize them.

Jiang Ruoxi glanced at Ling Kong, feeling disappointed. 

As expected, Ling Kong's concern was still for Xia Yuran. His gaze remained fixed on her, confirming Jiang Ruoxi's suspicions.

Across the clearing, Xia Yuran and her team struggled against the two 8th-stage Flame Pattern Tigers. 

Despite their combined efforts, they were having a hard time, and some were even injured. But with two 8th-stage fighters and ten 7th-stage ones, they finally managed to take down the tigers.

"Why don't you help her? What exactly happened between you two?" Jiang Ruoxi couldn't help but ask.

"I told you, there's nothing between us." Ling Kong replied, frowning.

"I'm... sorry. I shouldn't have asked." Jiang Ruoxi apologized quickly, fearing her words might anger Ling Kong. 

But Ling Kong had no intention of helping Xia Yuran. Even if she were about to be devoured by the tigers, he wouldn't lift a finger. He truly didn't care about her at all.

"Phew... Finally dealt with them. You two aren't so tough now, are you?" Xia Yuran exhaled deeply.

"Two 8th stage beasts together—such a rare encounter!" Bai Feng said, sweating profusely. "Good thing we're strong too!"

"Of course! We might even handle a 9th stage beast!" Xia Yuran boasted, hands on her hips.

"Uh... Yuran, you said that, not me!" Bai Feng laughed awkwardly. Two 8th-stage beasts were challenging enough. A 9th stage one would be too much.

But they weren't too worried. There probably weren't many 9th-stage beasts in the whole valley. If they encountered one, they'd just run.

"How's our score, Little Junior Brother? Count our spoils." Xia Yuran said, handing the Flame Pattern Tigers' crystals to Xiao Taoyi and ruffling his hair.

"Not bad! We've taken down four 8th stage, thirteen 7th stage, and over twenty 6th stage beasts so far." Xiao Taoyi reported, his voice soft and pleasant.

"Great! We'll definitely take first place this year!" Xia Yuran exclaimed, pinching Xiao Taoyi's cheeks.

"Ouch, Senior Sister! That hurts!" Xiao Taoyi pouted.

"Hehe, but you're so cute!" Xia Yuran teased, not letting go.

"They... are they really that weak?" Jiang Ruoxi asked, surprised. "They're much weaker than us, aren't they?"

-To be continued!

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