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Chapter 012: The Villain Becomes The Miracle Doctor's Junior Brother


 Splendour Translations.

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Chapter 12: Ye Yang Takes the Blame, The Plot Succeeds:

Zhao Xing, the eldest of the Zhao family, and his younger brother Zhao Kai, stared intently at Ye Yang.

“Tell me, did you kill our father with your treatment?” Zhao Xing was furious. “I trusted Uncle Liu and let you treat him, and now my father is dead.”

“His death has nothing to do with me. I told you before that he was poisoned. Someone must have known I could cure him and poisoned him in desperation.”

After his initial panic, Ye Yang regained his composure. Mr. Zhao's death had nothing to do with him.

On the contrary, looking at the Zhao family members, Ye Yang had his suspicions. The killer was definitely among them, but Ye Yang wasn't a detective and couldn't find the culprit.

Moreover, the murder weapon had already disappeared, flushed down the toilet by Zhao Kai.

“Nonsense! You keep saying my father was poisoned, but the best hospital in Hangzhou didn’t find any poison in him." Zhao Xing shouted.

“Those trash couldn’t find anything.” Ye Yang sneered. “Can their medical skills compare to mine? I learned from a medical expert. No one is better than my master, Old man Ye, in medicine."

His master had even said that Ye Yang's skills might one day surpass his own.

“Who are you calling trash?”

Dr. Wang Qi, Hangzhou’s best doctor, was furious. He had been treating the elder Zhao and felt deeply insulted by Ye Yang’s words.

“You couldn't even diagnose poisoning, claiming it was organ failure. If you’re not trash, who is? Ridiculous.”

Ye Yang retorted with a cold sneer.

“You… you…”

Dr. Wang Qi pointed at Ye Yang, almost fainting from anger.

“I advise you to find the real killer.” Ye Yang said, and turned to leave.

“Stop! You’re not leaving this place.” Zhao Xing roared.

“What? You’re going to stop me?” Ye Yang’s eyes flashed coldly. He then swiftly dealt with the bodyguards blocking his way, sending them flying several meters.

“Brother, he killed our father. We must call the police.” Zhao Kai said sternly to Zhao Xing.

“Call the police! He’s lawless.” Zhao Xing trembled with rage and then called Liu Zhong.

“Uncle Liu, I trusted you and let your recommended person treat my father, but he killed him. What should we do?”

“What? That’s impossible. His master is a medical expert, and he’s highly skilled. How could he kill Old Zhao?”

Liu Zhong was in disbelief.

“The fact is, my father died after taking the medicine he prescribed. This matter isn’t over between us. I’ve already called the police. Let him wait to be arrested.” Zhao Xing said coldly.

He ended the call without waiting for Liu Zhong’s response.

On the other side, Liu Zhong was anxious. He immediately called Ye Yang to find out what had happened.

If Ye Yang really caused Old Zhao’s death, it would be a huge problem. Although the Zhao family was inferior to the Liu family, a conflict would harm both sides.

“Old Liu, I didn’t kill Mr. Zhao. I discovered he was suffering from chronic poison. This poison is slow-acting and hard to detect. Someone poisoned him to prevent me from curing him.” Ye Yang explained.

Liu Zhong unconditionally believed Ye Yang.

“If you’re innocent, don’t worry. Nothing will happen.” Liu Zhong assured him.

Meanwhile, at the Zhao family villa, Zhao Kai looked at his father’s body with a complex expression before turning cold.

“The Zhao family’s success is due to me, so it can only belong to me. With Father gone, my biggest obstacle is you, Brother. I need to make sure you’re ‘killed by Ye Yang’.”

Zhao Kai's eyes flashed cold light. Being selfish by nature, he had no problem about poisoning his father for his own benefit, let alone his brother.

However, he needed Ye Yang to take the blame for Zhao Xing’s murder.


[Ding! Host has successfully plotted against Ye Yang, plundering 300 Luck Points, Villain Points +10,000]

After lunch and buying some clothes for Ji Moxue, Chu Mochen returned home and heard the system notification.

“It seems Old Zhao is dead, and Ye Yang took the blame. He’s likely to be arrested, and clearing his name won’t be easy.”

Chu Mochen’s face revealed a wicked smile.

The poison needle he had given Zhao Kai contained a unique poison, specially exchanged with villain points. Unless Old Zhao’s body was dissected and thoroughly examined, the cause of death wouldn’t be found.

Would the Zhao family allow an autopsy? Absolutely not, especially with Zhao Kai’s strong opposition.

“However, the amount of luck plundered is less than expected. It seems Ye Yang won’t be easily defeated.”

Chu Mochen knew this would only cause minor troubles for Ye Yang. With Liu Zhong’s help and Ye Yang’s master’s connections, he would be out soon.

But that was fine. Bit by bit, he would plunder Ye Yang’s luck until it was all his.

“System, if I plunder all of Ye Yang’s luck, will I become the protagonist?”

[No, Luck has no direct benefit to the host. It can only be used for lottery draws or power-ups. Unless the host give up the villain system, you will never become the protagonist]

“What happens if I give up the system?”

[The system will self-destruct]

“If you’re bound to me, does that mean I die if you destroy yourself? ”

[The system don't have enough information to provide an answer. It might happen, or it might not. The host can try]

“I’d be crazy to try. Being a villain is quite enjoyable. Who needs to be the protagonist?”

Chu Mochen would never give up the villain system. Even if it meant not becoming the protagonist, the system’s benefits were too valuable.

-To be continued!

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