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Chapter 2: Time Stopped for a Thousand Years! The Female Leads Have Darkened!


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Chapter 2: What Does "Old Coin" Mean?:

"Master Ye... although my father made an engagement agreement with you back then, you should be aware of Ye Wuhen's actions in Qingyun City."

"It's not just that his talent is lacking, but he spends his days indulging in pleasure and neglecting cultivation. He's already seventeen and still stuck at the 5th stage of the Qi Gathering Realm!"

"In contrast, my daughter Yanran is now at the 9th stage of the Qi Gathering Realm and has been selected by the Cloud Sect to become an inner disciple!"

"So... I'm here today to discuss the engagement and see if we can postpone it for a few more years before making a decision."

As Ye Wuhen walked toward the meeting hall of the Ye residence, he heard the voice coming from inside.

He had heard such conversations countless times before, to the point that his ears were numb, so he didn't take it to heart and walked in as if nothing had happened.

The meeting hall was already filled with people.

Besides the members of the Ye family, there were also members of the Nalan family, led by a middle-aged man in a blue brocade robe.

This man was Ye Wuhen's would-be father-in-law, Nalan Xiu.

Next to Nalan Xiu stood a graceful figure in blue robes, with a delicate face and skin as smooth as jade.

Needless to say, this was the heroine of the dramatic scene, Nalan Yanran.


Nalan Xiu's words had instantly lowered the atmosphere in the hall to a freezing point.

The faces of the Ye family members were extremely displeased.

Especially the patriarch of the Ye Family, Ye Hongfeng, whose hair was already turning grey. He felt his blood boiling, and his old injuries were about to flare up.

They all knew very well what the Nalan family was really after.

All this talk of discussion was just a cover for breaking the engagement...

They just didn't want to make it too ugly, to avoid being laughed at by the people of Qingyun City.

But everyone also understood that these were just excuses.

At its core, it was because the Ye family had been declining over the years!!!

The patriarch of the Ye family, Ye Hongfeng, had his old injuries flare up a few years ago, causing his cultivation to regress. It was uncertain how many years he had left to live.

Ye Wuhen's parents had disappeared when he was very young, and there was no one else in the family who could stand up for them.

Among the third generation, Ye Wuhen was even less significant.

Not only was he born without notable talent, but he also spent his days idling, earning himself the title of the number one trash of Qingyun City.

Many speculated...

That this former top family of Qingyun City would fall to a minor family within a few years.

This was the main reason the Nalan family acted so blatantly.


"Discuss? There's no need for discussion... just call off the engagement directly!"

As the Ye family members were at a loss for how to respond, a voice rang out from the door.

Everyone looked toward the voice and saw Ye Wuhen walking in calmly.

Seeing Ye Wuhen, the old patriarch of the Ye family looked at him with deep affection, his expression softening considerably.

No matter what others thought of Ye Wuhen, in the old patriarch's heart, he had genuine love for him.

However, the other Ye family members looked even more displeased...

Call off the engagement???

This boy was talking as if it was easy...

But did he realize how much damage this would do to the Ye family's reputation if word got out?

The entire Qingyun City already doubted the Ye family's future.

Calling off the engagement with the Nalan family would give other families and factions the perfect excuse to sever ties with the Ye family.

It wouldn't take years...

In just a few months, the Ye family would surely fall to a minor family!!!

"You don't need to worry about the impact this will have on the Ye family's reputation!"

"The Nalan family already spread the news when they came here... their purpose is to use public opinion to force the Ye family into submission!"

"If you don't believe me, go to the front gate and see. The onlookers are about to break down the door..."

Ye Wuhen spoke again, knowing exactly what the family members were thinking.

Hearing Ye Wuhen's words, the Ye family members were stunned!

"How does this kid know what we're thinking?"

"And could he be telling the truth!!!"

"If it's true, the Nalan family is truly shameless. They intend to completely sever ties!"

All eyes turned to Nalan Xiu.

Nalan Xiu couldn't help but blink a few times.

Everything Ye Wuhen said was true...

But Nalan Xiu was also full of doubts.

This guy hadn't even stepped out of the residence, so how did he know the situation outside so clearly?


This boy agreed to call off the engagement so straightforwardly. Wasn't that too direct?

And what made Nalan Xiu even more dumbfounded was what came next!


"By the way... this old coin not only spread the news to create public pressure but also brought an elder from Cloud Sect to apply pressure if things get out of hand!"

"The black-robed elder from the Cloud Sect, stop hiding and come out!"

Ye Wuhen said, looking toward the direction of the hall entrance, calling out loudly.

Nalan Xiu stood there dumbfounded.

How did he even know about this???

Only he and his father knew about the elder from the Cloud Sect. There wasn't a third person aware!!!

And... What did 'old coin' mean???

-To be continued!

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