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Chapter 1: Who Would Choose The Serious Heroine? Aren't The Supporting Characters Good Enough?:


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Chapter 1: Empire Pressure to Marry

"The Great General Hua Jintian has a sister named Hua Luoshuang! She is the Empire's foremost female warrior!"

"Her beauty is unrivaled, and her strength is extraordinary! She has admired Your Majesty since childhood, hoping Your Majesty will consider her."

"Prime Minister's eldest granddaughter, Jiang Lin, a young lady of sixteen, is knowledgeable, virtuous, and incredibly beautiful!"

"She has sworn never to marry anyone but Your Majesty and has been waiting for Your Majesty's word!"

"The Sect Master of the Empire's strongest sect, the Purple Moon Immortal Sect, possesses extraordinary grace and ranks among the Empire's top ten in strength!"

"The sect master has admired Your Majesty for a long time. If Your Majesty wishes, a single word could make it happen!"

"From the Southern Divine Palace, the Palace Master Nan Shenxiner, although... she is a young girl, she is charming and her strength surpasses even the Sect Master of the Purple Moon Immortal Sect!"

"That girl has also admired Your Majesty for a long time. If Your Majesty doesn't mind, you could agree, and the Southern Divine Palace would naturally become an imperial ally!"

"Then there is the Empress of Beiming, the most beautiful woman in Beiming, and as your queen, she is a perfect match for Your Majesty!"

"The Empress of Beiming has said that if Your Majesty marries her, the entire Beiming Empire would belong to Your Majesty!"

"Though the Beiming Empire is a small country, just one-third the size of our Great Imperial Empire, it is still a fertile land!"

"If Your Majesty agrees, you would not only gain a beautiful wife but also expand the Great Imperial Empire's territory without a single soldier! A win-win situation! We hope Your Majesty will consider it!"

The grand hall of the Great Imperial Empire was filled with civil and military officials, not to discuss state affairs but to pressure the emperor into marriage. The Great Imperial Empire was strong and prosperous, enjoying unparalleled peace and prosperity. Yet, the emperor had no wife, a flaw the people found inexplicable.

The emperor's perfection made any minor imperfection noticeable. How could an emperor with no empress be considered perfect? This tiny flaw led to endless speculation, particularly about the emperor having no heir, which was a significant concern. Hence, today, the officials gathered for one purpose: to pressure the emperor into marriage.

The common people also wanted the emperor to have an empress. Historically, which emperor didn’t have a harem of beauties? If not three thousand, at least one empress and a few concubines would suffice. Even without concubines, having just one empress would reassure the people and officials.

However, the emperor had never had a woman by his side. Thus, everyone started recommending the best women in and out of the Empire, hoping the emperor would choose one, if not several.

The emperor was unmatched in appearance and strength, the most handsome man alive, and the strongest in the Empire. Because he was perfect in every way, it was puzzling why he didn't care about these outstanding women, all of whom secretly loved him.

Despite their beauty, the emperor had never shown interest in any woman, making people speculate. Surrounding empires even suggested the Great Imperial Empire’s emperor had no heirs and hinted at worse rumors about his preferences.

“If I hear another outsider speak ill of the emperor, I’ll destroy their country, even if it goes against His Majesty’s orders!” roared General Hua Jintian, who carried a huge sword on his back. The idea of their emperor being insulted was intolerable. Any more such talk, and he would personally eradicate the offending nation.

In the grand hall, the officials all looked toward the emperor on his dragon throne.

“Your Majesty, the lack of an empress is unacceptable!”

“Your Majesty, it is the will of the people for you to marry! Please consider it!”

“Even if you don’t have a harem of three thousand, at least one empress would bring peace to the Empire!”

Everyone was pleading for the emperor to marry and have children. This was a national demand for marriage, and the emperor needed to respond.

At this moment, Ling Ye, dressed in a black dragon robe and seated on the dragon throne, had just fully integrated his memories from both his past and present lives. He had transmigrated and arrived in this cultivation world of a reverse harem novel, as the male protagonist, the leading character!

-To be continued!

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