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Chapter 025: Villain Becomes Stronger By Doting On His Wife


 Splendour Translations

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Chapter 25: Going to the Civil Affairs Bureau for Divorce:

Seeing her mother about to explode, Shen Qingxin quickly pulled Yun Bufan away.

"Why did you agree with Aunt? She obviously wants to embarrass us," Shen Qingxin was full of helplessness.

Yun Bufan smiled, "Who said it's necessarily embarrassing? By the way, why are you in such a hurry to leave? Don't you want to let your mom vent her anger on me?"

"You still want to get scolded?" Shen Qingxin glared at him coldly.

"If getting scolded can make Aunt feel better, then it's not a big deal," Yun Bufan smirked and moved closer to Shen Qingxin. "Are you worried about me? Afraid I'll get scolded?"

"I don't care about you at all; don't be so presumptuous," Shen Qingxin said, sitting in the passenger seat and biting her lip.

Thankfully, she was wearing a mask; otherwise, this embarrassed look would be seen, and he would tease her again.

Shen Qingxin looked out the window absentmindedly.

Even if Yun Bufan didn't say anything, she herself felt it.

In the past few days, her attitude toward Yun Bufan had indeed changed a lot.

Could it be... she kinda liked him?

Cough cough...

When this thought came up, Shen Qingxin was startled.

Just then, her phone rang.

It was a message from her best friend Lu Jing.

[Lu Jing: Ridiculous, Fina said she made plans to hang out with Yun Bufan, but he blocked her]

[Lu Jing: Fina, with that figure, 36D, undefeated in love, why can't Yun Bufan appreciate her?]

[Shen Qingxin: Is it possible that he's changed?]

[Lu Jing: A leopard can't change its spots, wake up]

[Shen Qingxin: ...]

[Shen Qingxin: Don't be so harsh; maybe a miracle happened]

[Lu Jing: Oh no, are you falling for him? Let's be honest, although Yun Bufan's character is flawed, his looks are still decent]

[Shen Qingxin: No way, I've already prepared the divorce agreement]

[Lu Jing: Hopefully, you're not just talking tough]

After chatting, Shen Qingxin sneakily glanced at Yun Bufan.

Bright eyes, a straight nose, and a well-defined jawline.

Hmm... How come she didn't notice it before? He was actually quite handsome.

"Do I have something on my face?" Yun Bufan teased.

"No," Shen Qingxin regretted saying it immediately. Wasn't this indirectly admitting she was looking at him?

Sure enough, a smug smile appeared on Yun Bufan's lips.


Soon, they arrived back at Yun's house.

Yun Bufan got out of the car first.

Shen Qingxin felt a bit flustered, hesitating.

Just as she was about to get out, she suddenly caught sight of something.

Under the driver's seat, there was something white.

Bending down, Shen Qingxin picked it up. It turned out to be a white mask.

"How come this mask looks like..." Shen Qingxin suddenly thought of the masked hero on TV. And Yun Bufan happened to be there at the time.

The more she thought about it, the more suspicious it seemed.

Could the masked hero everyone was looking for be him?

Shen Qingxin found it unbelievable.

She put the mask back in its original place, then got out of the car and walked to Yun Bufan's side.

"Um... When the accident happened earlier, why did you leave for a while?" Shen Qingxin asked casually.

"Ah... I went to check the situation, nothing much," Yun Bufan looked embarrassed. "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, just asking casually," Shen Qingxin had her answer in her heart, stepping into the house quickly.

Looking at her graceful figure, Yun Bufan's lips curled up in satisfaction.

He deliberately left the mask under the seat for Shen Qingxin to see.

Women were emotional creatures.

Sometimes, being an anonymous hero was more touching than being a face-to-face hero.

Judging from Shen Qingxin's expression, Yun Bufan knew he had succeeded.


"You scoun_drel, eating and drinking at the Yun family's expense, and secretly doing such things!"

Before entering the house, they heard Yun Lili's yelling.

Yun Bufan walked in with large steps. He saw Yun Lili holding two contracts and glaring at Shen Qingxin ferociously.

"Brother, look at this woman who eats inside and out, she even prepared a divorce agreement secretly!"

Seeing Yun Bufan come in, Yun Lili immediately went to complain.

Taking the agreement, Yun Bufan glanced at it, then looked at Shen Qingxin.

Shen Qingxin stepped back, expecting to be scolded.

"Do you want to divorce me?" Faced with Yun Bufan's question, Shen Qingxin felt inexplicably guilty.

Yun Bufan nodded, "Since you want to, I won't force you. Bring the documents, we'll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a divorce."


Shen Qingxin and Yun Lili were both shocked, but Yun Lili was happy, while Shen Qingxin was terrified.

"No way!"

Unexpectedly, Shen Qingxin flatly refused.

"You can't bear to?" Yun Bufan smirked.

Shen Qingxin shook her head, "Actually, I don't agree."

In fact, Yun Bufan dared to agree to a divorce because he knew Shen Qingxin would refuse.

It wasn't because Shen Qingxin loved him, but because if they divorced, tonight's dinner party wouldn't be able to proceed.

And then, Gou Min and her daughter would definitely humiliate Zhuang Rumei.

"The divorce agreement will stay with me for now. If one day you can't bear it anymore, I'll sign it."

"Rest assured, I, Yun Bufan, won't force anyone," Yun Bufan said, then walked upstairs.

Back in her room, Shen Qingxin removed her mask and the fake scar from her face, revealing an incredibly exquisite and beautiful face.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt depressed.

In the past, she had longed for Yun Bufan to agree to a divorce.

But when Yun Bufan actually mentioned divorce just now, her first reaction was shock and unwillingness.

"What's wrong with me?"

Shen Qingxin lay on the bed, her waterfall-like hair spread out like silk, perfect to the point of being flawless.

"Masked hero..."

Thinking of Yun Bufan being that masked hero, Shen Qingxin felt she was going to lose her mind.

She took out her phone and sent a message to Lu Jing.

[Shen Qingxin: Jingjing, what does it feel like to like someone?]

[Lu Jing: Why are you suddenly asking this?]

[Lu Jing: Based on my experience, first, you'll think about him often, and when you can't see him for a while, you'll want to see him. When your eyes meet, your heart will race, and you'll want to dress up and show him the most beautiful side of yourself]

Shen Qingxin pondered for a moment.

She seemed to fit the first symptom currently.

No, she had to deny this direction. She couldn't let it develop any further.

Knock, knock, knock!

There was a knock on the door.

Shen Qingxin hastily put on her mask and opened the door. She saw Yun Bufan standing there.

"Um... There's no water in my room for some reason. Can I borrow your bathroom?" Yun Bufan waved a white towel in his hand.

-To be continued!  

T/N: Thanks for reading!

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