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Chapter 005: The Villain Becomes The Miracle Doctor's Junior Brother


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Chapter 5: Concocting Poison, Waiting for the Female Lead to Fall into the Trap:

Chu Mochen and Ye Yang walked out of the Liu family, and Ye Yang's face was darkened.

"Senior Brother, it's easy to find a two-legged woman when you can't find a three-legged toad."

Chu Mochen felt somewhat excited to earn villain points for the first time, and his gaze toward Ye Yang resembled that of a hungry wolf eyeing a fat sheep.

"Can they be compared?"

There might be plenty of women, but the goddess was one in a million.

"Don't worry, I'll help you crush her company in no time. With such a proud woman, you must surpass her in her strongest area to make her acknowledge you."

"Trust me, Senior Brother, no one understands women better than I do."

Chu Mochen confidently reassured Ye Yang.


"Of course it's true. You can trust me completely. Liu Yuqing won't be able to escape. Just relax."

Chu Mochen assured Ye Yang.

She definitely won't be able to escape. Once she ran away, where else could she run but to Chu Mochen?

"Then I'll rely on you." Although Ye Yang had learned medical skills and had considerable strength, he didn't know about business and could only rely on Chu Mochen.

"Don't worry, once I investigate the company Liu Yuqing runs, we'll confront her. We'll crush her in the industry she's best at, and severely hit her pride."

Chu Mochen smiled cunningly. He knew exactly what kind of company Liu Yuqing managed; it was a cosmetics company doing quite well with a market value of around ten billion.

Liu Yuqing was only twenty-three years old now. Despite having her family's support, running a company with a market value of ten billion indicated her considerable capabilities. She wasn't just a pretty face.

Chu Mochen's reason for wanting to ruin her in the industry she excelled in wasn't that simple.

The female lead, Liu Yuqing, managed a cosmetics company. According to the plot, the protagoinst must possess a secret formula for cosmetics. Ye Yang indeed possessed a whitening formula.

To be precise, it was a whitening herbal formula developed by Ye Tianhua and passed on to Ye Yang. In addition to this whitening formula, Ye Yang also has many other prescription formulas for special medicines.

All of these were valuable assets, and Chu Mochen naturally wanted to make them his own.

"I'm going back to see my mom. Let Ah Li take care of Senior Brother first. If there's anything, let Ah Li inform me."

Chu Mochen was left alone.

Back in the Hangzhou villa, Chu Mochen's mother, Lin Yun, was there.

"You brat, do you know how long it's been since you last visited me? Have you become too proud now, making me come to Hangzhou to see you?"

Although Lin Yun's tone was stern when she saw Chu Mochen, her eyes were incredibly gentle.

Chu Mochen, who had been alone in his past life, felt warmth and fully accepted his mother's doting.

"Mom, I've grown up now. I'm afraid people will say I'm a mama's boy if I stick to you too much."

"Who dares to say bad things about my son, I'll make them disappear."

Lin Yun wasn't joking. With her doting on Chu Mochen, if she heard someone say something bad about her son, she would surely make them disappear from this world.

"How's your learning with your master going? Your dad, really, insisting on you being an old Chinese doctor's disciple."

Lin Yun's tone contained some dissatisfaction.

When Chu Laoye wanted her son become a disciple under a master, Lin Yun was very dissatisfied. What was the use of learning medicine? Would that bring any money to the Chu family?

"Mom, Grandpa actually wanted me to learn martial arts."

"Learning martial arts is even worse; it's too hard. How could you be suited for martial arts?"

Lin Yun became even more dissatisfied.

Chu Mochen chuckled bitterly. He now understood the truth behind the saying, 'Too much doting spoils the child.' But he felt pleased inside; who wouldn't like having a mother who cared for them in every aspect?

"You're at marriageable age now. I'm planning to arrange a few girls for you to meet."

"No, Mom, let me handle this major life event myself."

Chu Mochen directly refused. Blind dates were troublesome, and Chu Mochen didn't have time for them. He had already decided to pursue his role as a villain.

Moreover, did a villain need women?

"I'm so handsome. Mom, are you worried I won't find a girlfriend?"

"Brat, am I old now?" Lin Yun raised her hand and lightly tapped Chu Mochen's head.

"Take some time to study business. Lin Group will need you to take over in the future."

Yes, it was the Lin Group, not the Chu Group. This group didn't belong to the Chu family; it belonged to the Lin family. Lin Yun inherited the Lin Group and greatly expanded its value, with some help from the Chu family, of course.

"Alright, I'll study business diligently."

Chu Mochen agreed, but he had no intention of going into business. When the time came, he would conquer a few girls with business talents and just be a figurehead. Wasn't it nice to let others do the work while he enjoyed life? Besides, he could also suppress the protagonist a bit.

Lin Yun didn't stay long and left.

Managing a trillion-dollar business kept Lin Yun busy, so she only managed to take some time out of her busy schedule to see Chu Mochen.

"Young Master, the items you asked me to buy, I've bought them."

Ah Hu walked in from outside. Both Ah Hu and Ah Li were Chu Mochen's bodyguards, acting as both bodyguards and drivers and handling various miscellaneous tasks for Chu Mochen.

Chu Mochen could fully trust them, as the Chu family trained them.

Watching Ah Hu carefully bring in several boxes, Chu Mochen nodded.

Then, he directed Ah Hu to grind some herbs and mix various powdered herbs together to create a medicine.

This medicine wasn't harmful to humans but had a specific effect: it made toxins go berserk.

Since the system rewarded him with the concocting poison skill, Chu Mochen couldn't let it go to waste. He planned to use this skill to create some poisons.

After opening the box and inspecting the various toxins inside, Chu Mochen poured the herbal powder into them. Instantly, a battle broke out inside the box, with the last surviving toxin becoming the king of poisons.

Chu Mochen watched the battle inside the glass box for a while, then had Ah Hu move the box into his bedroom.

This battle would take at least a day to finish, and only then would he obtain the Poison King.

Many complicated steps were required to obtain a docile poison bug truly; this was just the first step.

"Have you arranged your matters?"

"Young Master, everything is arranged."

"Good, let's go then. Take me to the Nightclub."

Chu Mochen's face bore a slightly wicked smile.

According to the plot, Liu Yuqing would go to that nightclub today. In that nightclub, a series of events would unfold. However, the protagonist, Ye Yang, had already been held back by Chu Mochen's arrangement with Ah Li.

Ye Yang definitely wouldn't show up at that nightclub. Chu Mochen going there meant causing trouble, preferably winning over the female lead.

The Nightclub would likely become the true starting point of Chu Mochen's path as a major villain.

If the plan went well today, Liu Yuqing would 'accidentally' lose her v_irginity to Chu Mochen. He was a wolf, after all; wolves eat meat. Chu Mochen had already set up a deadly trap; he just needed Liu Yuqing to fall into it.

-To be continued!

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  1. Did something happen to the names? They don't seem to match the last chapter.

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