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Chapter 003: Villain Becomes Stronger By Doting On His Wife


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Chapter 3: Trash Will Always Be Trash:

He Sinian was one of the four influential figures in Luo City and possessed a fortune of billions.

In Luo City, he held the ultimate authority.

In the original novel, it was because He Sinian supported Su Chen that the Yun family high-ups feared being dealt with, which led to Yun Bufan being expelled.

And the reason He Sinian supported Su Chen was because Su Chen cured his terminal illness.

At this moment, He Sinian was in the presidential suite of this hotel.

Yun Bufan gave the driver some money to find out which suite He Sinian was staying in.

Soon, he got the answer, Room 1666.

Just then, the elevator door opened, and Yun Bufan walked in with a calm stride, pressing the sixteenth floor button.

At the entrance of the presidential suite, there were two strong and powerful bodyguards.

"Stop!" the guards immediately shouted upon seeing someone approaching.

"I'm Yun Bufan from the Yun family and wish to see Mr. He," Yun Bufan said.

The guard impatiently replied, "Yun family? No appointment, no entry."

Although the Yun family had some money, they were ultimately just a third-rate family in Luo City. Even He Sinian's bodyguards didn't take them seriously.

However, Yun Bufan remained unruffled. Instead, he smiled and said, "Then, please pass on a message for me."

He walked up to the guard and whispered something.

The guard was slightly stunned, looking at Yun Bufan suspiciously, and said, "Wait here."

Then he turned and entered the room.

Yun Bufan remained completely calm, waiting patiently.

He knew He Sinian would definitely see him.

About two minutes later, the guard hurriedly came out and told Yun Bufan, "You may go in."

Yun Bufan didn't show any excitement and calmly walked in.

Inside the luxurious presidential suite, a man in his fifties was flipping through a financial magazine.

Although he remained composed, his powerful aura was full of the dominance of an upper-class person.

After a few quiet minutes, He Sinian still hadn't spoken.

Yun Bufan didn't speak either.

He would wait until He Sinian couldn't hold it anymore and spoke first to gain the upper hand in momentum.

Ten minutes later, He Sinian snapped shut the magazine, looked at Yun Bufan, and said, "You said you knew something about my daughter?"

"Yes," Yun Bufan nodded.


A brief word.

Yun Bufan said, "Seventeen years ago, your three-year-old daughter was kidnapped and disappeared without a trace."

He Sinian said lightly, "Few people know about this matter, but it's not surprising if someone does. Young man, if you dare to tell me a lie, I'll make you wish you were dead."

"I'm well aware of Mr. He's reputation," Yun Bufan smiled. "About your daughter, I know a distinguishing feature of hers: she has a small red butterfly-shaped birthmark on her thigh."

As soon as these words were spoken, He Sinian's pupils suddenly contracted.

The magazine in his hand fell to the ground.

He stood up abruptly, his fists clenched and he glared at Yun Bufan. "Go on!"

Yun Bufan continued calmly, "And, there's a faint scar on the sole of her foot, caused by a cigarette butt accidentally falling on her while you were holding her."

Yun Bufan spoke calmly.


Blood drained from He Sinian's face instantly. His breathing became rapid, as if he had seen a ghost.

The matter of the scar on the sole of her foot was something only he knew. Not even his wife or the nanny at the time knew about it.

How could this young man in front of him know?

But He Sinian was ultimately a highly intelligent person. Soon, he calmed down and asked in a sinister tone, "Who exactly are you?"

Yun Bufan shrugged. "Don't misunderstand, I'm not one of the kidnappers from back then. I just happened to know some things by chance."

He Sinian sat back on the sofa, his voice heavy. "Do you know where my daughter is?"

Yun Bufan's tone changed: "I do, and I can tell you she's still alive. However, I won't tell you where she is for now."

He Sinian's eyes were bloodshot, almost as if he could devour someone.

For seventeen years, he had been searching for his beloved daughter day and night.

He wanted to have his bodyguards beat Yun Bufan to a pulp right now and force him to reveal his daughter's whereabouts.

"Don't even think about torturing me. I'll speak on my own."

As if seeing through He Sinian's thoughts, Yun Bufan spoke lightly, "Mr. He, please believe me. I mean you no harm."

He Sinian suddenly relaxed and said hoarsely, "What do you want?"

Yun Bufan smiled faintly, finding it easier to talk to clever people.

"Don't worry, I don't want much."

"It's just that I need a little support from Mr. He, which should be a piece of cake for you."

Ten minutes later.

Yun Bufan left the presidential suite.

A victorious curve hung on his lips, his eyes filled with excitement.

The show was about to begin, after all.

At this moment, in a corner of the banquet hall, Su Chen found a middle-aged man.

This man was named Yun Biao, Yun Bufan's second uncle and the most powerful figure in the Yun family at present.

"Thank you for curing my illness, Su Chen. " Yun Biao said politely, with a fake smile on his face.

Su Chen said, "Today is Yun Bufan's inheritance ceremony, but in my opinion, your abilities far surpass his. Handing the Yun family over to Yun Bufan is a waste."

A shadow flickered across Yun Biao's face, but he said modestly, "Bufan is still young, and this is the Yun family's tradition."

"Mr. Yun, what if I could assist you?" Su Chen chuckled. "Behind me, there is a big shot in Luo City."

Yun Biao was somewhat excited, but he suppressed his emotions and waved his hand. "Bufan hasn't made any major mistakes, so it's not appropriate."

Upon hearing this, Su Chen revealed a meaningful expression.

He had learned a secret about Shen Qingxin from a doctor, that her disfigurement was fake.

Su Chen was very interested in this intelligent and beautiful woman.

Originally, according to Yun Bufan's character, it wouldn't be long before the two of them divorced.

But Yun Bufan's recent actions made him feel somewhat uncertain.

Su Chen decided to give it a push himself.

Just then, the host took the stage and, after some impassioned words, said, "Let's welcome Young Master Yun Bufan to give a speech!"

Sparse applause sounded from the audience, more sighs and boos than anything else.

Most of the Yun family members weren't optimistic about Yun Bufan and felt despair about the Yun family's future.

Shen Qingxin stood in the corner, watching the stage with a mocking expression.

Wearing a white suit, Yun Bufan walked slowly up to the stage.

For some reason, Shen Qingxin felt a strange sensation, as if Yun Bufan's aura had changed.

"No, it must be an illusion. A leopard can't change its spots, trash will always be trash."

Shen Qingxin shook her head, shaking off absurd thoughts.

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