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Chapter 4: Early Stages of Hua Jin Realm

"Will you enlighten me on this Great Daoist Devil Heart Seed Cultivation Technique immediately or will I have to read it to comprehend it piece by piece?"

Jiang Che asked the system as he familiarized himself with the Qi within his body.

[The host can use plot points to instill all the contents of the Great Daoist Devil Heart Seed Cultivation Technique at once, or you can slowly try comprehending it]

"How many plot points does it take to instill all of it at once?"

Jiang Che asked with some curiosity.

Obviously, he didn't intend to spend time reading it bit by bit.

It would take a lifetime to comprehend this kind of profound and mysterious martial art technique by oneself.

It was clear that he wasn't the same as Ye Chen, who had been practicing martial arts since a young age.

It could be said that he knew nothing about martial arts...

[1000 plot points are needed to instill]

"Then just enlighten me with it directly."

Jiang Che sat directly on his knees on the bed and closed his eyes as he waited for the system to begin the process.

[Ding! Beginning to instill the Great Daoist Devil Heart Seed Cultivation Technique...]


About two hours or so later, Jiang Che slowly opened his eyes.

He looked somewhat emotional, feeling all the content of the Great Daoist Devil Heart Seed Cultivation Technique in his mind.

The system was truly magical. He felt as if he had been born with that knowledge.

In fact, he couldn't even easily forget it.

And after the instilling process was completed, he also had a deeper understanding of this technique.

A lot of tedious steps were eliminated after system improvement.

He could already practice the Dao without going insane.

Jiang Che focused his Qi into his dantian and tried to mobilize the internal Qi in his body.

But after several fruitless attempts, Jiang Che quickly frowned.

Why was this happening?

"System, why can't I channel the internal Qi in my body?"

Jiang Che asked somewhat strangely. He clearly felt the presence of internal Qi in his body, but he was unable to mobilize it.

[The host can only truly use internal Qi after the host has made a breakthrough into the Hua Jin Realm]

[It is only when you reach the Hua Jin Realm that you can use your true Qi freely and release your internal Qi]

Jiang Che nodded in a daze. No wonder he could only feel the presence of internal Qi but could not use it.

Conditions still had to be met.

"Then do you have any methods to speed up my cultivation?"

Jiang Che asked with some eagerness.

Although he had completely mastered the cultivation method, he didn't want to practice all day.

Martial arts was a way to refine one's body and will.

He no longer needed to be desperate to cultivate now that he has the system as his biggest cheat.

[Host can use plot points to raise cultivation base]

"Then how many plot points do I need to make a break through to the Hua Jin Realm?"

[To advance Host's cultivation base from the late stages of An Jin Realm to the early stages of Hua Jin Realm, Host needs 2000 plot points]

"Then how can I get plot points?"

[Host can get random rewards and plot points by extorting plot characters, or you can get plot points by completing temporary tasks issued by the system]

"Then quickly raise my cultivation."

Jiang Che communicated with the system again in his mind.

His main concern was improving his strength, and he still had exactly 2000 plot points.

[Ding! Deducting 2,000 plot points, raising cultivation...]

[Congratulations, Host's cultivation base has reached the early stages of the Hua Jin Realm...]

A few more hours passed, and when Jiang Che opened his eyes again, the sky outside was already dark.

Jiang Che slowly got up from the bed and felt the true Qi in his body.

It felt wonderful, as true Qi began to flow incessantly within the limbs and bones, warming the meridians.

Even Jiang Che felt that his own being had improved, and his thoughts had become more refined.

Jiang Che waved his hand towards the side of the bed.

With a crisp "click" sound, the bedside lamp snapped in two and broke apart.

The bedside lamp fell to the ground with a "click" sound.

Jiang Che looked at the fallen bedside lamp and nodded in satisfaction, and immediately picked up the phone on the side with the intention of leaving.

Upon turning on the phone, he noticed it was already past eight o'clock.

And there were three missed calls on the phone with the caller ID "Secretary".

When Jiang Che saw this, he pondered slightly.

This secretary was precisely one of the female protagonists in "Flower City's Soldier King".

According to the plot, he would have been arrested and imprisoned by now.

The Su family used their connections to put him in prison for five years on charges of attempted r*pe.

His clueless secretary Chen Xuewei was targeted by Ye Chen when she got a lawyer to the detention center to bail him out.

It was evident that Chen Xuewei had some positive feelings towards him and admired his talent.

However, after Ye Chen told Chen Xuewei about all the terrible things his predecessor did, her opinion slowly changed.

He used the void to make her fall for him directly.

Ye Chen was able to build up a business empire solely because of Chen Xuewei's outstanding business ability.

After thinking about the direction of the plot, the corners of Jiang Che's mouth twitched and he was speechless.

A woman in an urban novel was expected to have some connection to Ye Chen.

How can he let Ye Chen get what he wanted now that he was here?

He was not stupid like his predecessor.

His predecessor still chased Su Qingyue, the ice-cold lady, despite the beauty at his side?

However, this was also a good opportunity for him.

With this in mind, Jiang Che dialed Chen Xuewei's phone number.

As the phone was picked up, a woman's excited voice could be heard on the other end.

"President, you finally answered the phone!"


Translator: fancorn

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